
Academic Activities.

Student activities support the goal of teaching students to be responsible and give them opportunities that develop character, critical thinking, problem-solving, team building, and leadership skills. Students can acquire new skills by participating in all academic activities.

Lutheran schools have special events for each of the three terms:


☐ Literacy Week
☐ Parental Involvement Day (PID)
☐ Observation of Theme Days
☐ Reformation Week Celebration


☐ Election of Prefects
☐ Parental Involvement Day (PID)
☐ Project Work Presentation
☐ Inter Quiz Competition


☐ Debate
☐ Parental Involvement Day (PID)
☐ Book Fair
☐ Graduation and Speech and Prize Day
☐ Summer School (During the long Vacation

Academic Activities at a Glance

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities have greater academic success, greater character development, especially in the areas of time management and leadership skills, more positive social development and greater interest in community involvement.

All year-round Lutheran schools organize the following events;

☐ African Union Day
☐ Pre-School Day
☐ Dr. Martin Luther Day

☐ Independence Day
☐ Charitable Donations
☐ Educational Trips

Extracurricular Activities at a Glance